Active Funding:
National Institute of Health— Director’s New Innovator Award
The award supports exceptionally creative early career investigators who propose innovative, high-impact projects in the biomedical, behavioral or social sciences within the NIH mission.
National Science Foundation— CAREER Award
National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department.
NIH - National Institute of Mental Health
1 R01MH134515-01 - Inhibitory regulation of hippocampal CA3 neuron activity, learning, and memory
Past Funding:
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation— Young Investigator Grant
The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation awarded the first Young Investigator Grant in 1987. The goal of the YI program is to help researchers launch careers in neuroscience and psychiatry and gather pilot data to apply for larger federal and university grants.
Whitehall Foundation— Neuroscience Research Grant
The Whitehall Foundation, through its program of grants and grants-in-aid, assists scholarly research in the life sciences. The Foundation emphasizes the support of young scientists at the beginning of their careers and productive senior scientists who wish to move into new fields of interest.